Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today Kylie and I went to Birmingham.  My Uncle Everett has been in Afghanistan since last November and he got to come home today.  Mom and I made Auburn and Alabama posters for the welcome home. 

Brittany and Tyler waiting on their Dad!

I can not imagine having to be gone like that or being the wife of someone who has to stay overseas for a year.  I am always appreciative of what military men and women do for us but it really hits home when it is family.  They sacrifice SO MUCH for our freedom.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dad, Mom, Everett, Kylie and Me

I teared up (surprise, surprise) when they arrived and I was so happy for him to get to be home.  There was a little girl standing next to us with her grandparents and she had a sign that said "Welcome Home Mommy."  I can not even begin to imagine what it would be like to leave Kylie for a year.  Again, it makes you really appreciate what they do for you when you see the sacrifice that not only they make, but their families make as well.  


We went and ate at Lone Star for lunch with the family.  Kylie finally warmed up to Everett right before we left.  She let him hold her and she gave him a kiss goodbye.  After we left, she wanted to know if we were going to their house.  She wanted me to "please help her go to Brittany's house."   


Terri and Everett

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