Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sickly Sickerson!!!!

If you're wondering why there hasn't been a post in a week its because I didn't have anything to write about.  Kylie and Kyle have been sick!  Kyle has had the crud and Kylie has had an ear infection, so we had a pretty uneventful week and weekend. 

Mom, Kylie and I did get out yesterday.  We went to Huntsville for kids market and got Kylie a lot of fall/winter clothes.  For those of you who don't know, kids market is held twice a year and it is basically a gigantic yard sale for kids clothes, furniture, bedding, toys, etc.  There were tons of people there and so many things to look through.  We ended up being there for about 2 1/2 hours!!!!  Luckily, Kylie was pretty good and I was able to plunder and get some great stuff.  I brought her stroller and her portable DVD player along with some snacks and that kept her occupied a lot of the time.

Hopefully we will actually get ready and go somewhere this week that we look worthy of a picture, I always enjoy the pictures on my friends blogs and I need to get better about taking them but at times like last week (when Kylie is sick) it is rare that we get out of our pj's.  Ha ha!  Oh well, hopefully there will be cute pictures to come this week.

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