Thursday, February 18, 2010

Over 20 lbs...FINALLY!

Yesterday was Kylie's 18 month birthday and we had to go to her pediatrician for a check-up.  She has also had a cold for a couple of weeks so we got some medicine for that while we were there. we had to go for a checkup for her weight.  Her doctor has been concerned because she is so small.  Everytime we go he always mentions her weight and tells me to try to get her to eat and drink more.  Anyone that knows Kylie knows that normally she is a great eater.  She eats more that most of the kids we know.  I haven't really worried about the weight because she does eat great and I know that she is probably just going to be skinny like her dad!    Anyway...we have been trying to hit the 20lb mark for quite a while now and we finall did it yesterday.  She weight 20.5 lb and was 30.8 inches tall! 

She missed her 15 month shots because she had the flu so she also got shots yesterday.  I felt bad for her so we stopped and got her a cupcake at Gigi's cupcakes in huntsville.  Here she is in the car on the way home, I gave her some icing on a fork.  (Not a good idea....had to wash the car seat!)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Nana and Grandaddy!

Yesterday was Nana's (my mom) birthday.  We celebrated last week because she and my dad were going to be out of town.  We ate at the Doc's in Scottsboro.  YUM!  Then we went to "the Nest," my mom and dad's new place at the river.  We had a great time.

Today is Grandaddy's birthday (Kyle's dad).  We are going to eat Mexican with them tonight.  We also had a great day with them yesterday.  One of the benefits of Kyle's job since we moved is that he is off on all holidays so he didin't have to work yesterday.  Kyle's mom and dad came over and cooked us some DELICIOUS steaks for a valentines day present.

On a side note, as I type this post I realize how much of my weekend and first part of this week has revolved around food!  I have totally fell off of the Weight Watchers band wagon....gotta jump back on soon or I won't fit into my bridesmaid dress for my brother's wedding!  I am determined not to look back at pictures and not want them to be seen because I look fat! :)  26 pounds down - another 20 to go.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Busy, but I didn't know it!

At the beginning of the week we had planned to have a low key kind of week.  Just stay around the house and maybe a trip to the grocery store but that was about all we had planned.  Little did I know that we would be super busy this week. 

I was able to be at home Monday during the day and tackle a mountainous pile of laundry that had been daunting me for a week or so but that is about all I have accomplished for the week.  Monday night we went to watch our old highschool basketball team in the area tournament finals, they lost, but it was a good game and they still get to move on to the next round.  Tuesday was a busy day full of errands to walmart, the grocery store (there are some things, like meat products, that I don't buy at walmart).

Today we have been out running errands and now I am at home fixing food for a funeral and I have to be at the church by 1 to help get everything ready for the meal for the family and then our church cooks meals on Wed. night for people and I will have to stay up there to help with that then have our regular Wed. night bible study.  So we won't be home until about 8:30.

Tomorrow we don't have anything planned and maybe it will stay that way. 

Friday night we are going to a dinner/fundraiser for the Child Advocacy Center, Saturday night we have a birthday party that Kylie was invited to.  Sunday we have church and ANOTHER birthday party, and somewhere in there I will try to tell Kyle that I love him since it will be Valentines Day! :)


Next week doesn't get any slower considering my mom's birthday is Monday and my Father in laws birthday is Tuesday. 

By the way I have some super cute pictures of Kylie and her friend Halle at the basketball games that I will post as soon as I find my cord that connects my camera to my computer! :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Friends for life

While this topic may sound sentimental I am referring to how close you need to be to someone before you play the games that we played on Saturday night with some of our very good friends the Eckleys and the Mobleys.  We first humiliated ourselved with a dancing game on the wii called just dance.  It is basically a dance competition between all of the players and you are scored.  I wish I had video to show you Kyle and Brandon dancing...lets just say that rythm is not there thing.  After they played they watched Jessica, Emily and I dance to MC Hammer and Brandon says "wow, you are all together" I then had to inform him it was called "rythm" and that it's probably not a good idea to dance without it. :) 

Then we played the MOST RANDOM GAME EVER called Quelf.  It is impossible to explain this game but we had to do random things like wear a mask through an entire round, sit under the table, stay in the bathroom until someone finally comes to check on you.  Me, I didn't have to do any of these things, but I kept getting rule cards.  Every time someone said my name I had to make a W on my forehead and say whatever, I had to make the sound of a pickle "squish, squish" every time I moved my gamepiece, and I had to yell at every game piece like a drill sargeant whenever anyone moved their piece.  I recommend this game under two circumstances...1. play when you don't have your kids with you (we spent a lot of time chasing kids around) and 2.  only play with people that you are comfortable being embarrassed in front of. 

We had a great night and I am so glad that our friends got to come visit us in the booming metropolis of Rainsville!  We can't wait to do it again!