Thursday, October 21, 2010

John 3:16

Every morning that Kylie is awake before Kyle goes to work he reads her a bible verse.  He has a couple of different ones, mostly from the "Romans Road," that he reads.  John 3:16 is one of them.  About a month ago I started saying John 3:16 and letting Kylie repeat me as a said it throughout the day.  It was AMAZING how fast she picked it up and said it on her own.  She could say, practically, the entire verse by herself after less than a weeks time.  It made it that much more prevalent that I need to watch what I say and do around her.  She is so aware of what's going on, and soaks things up like a sponge.  I told Kyle that I am going to start teaching her more verses because all of the verses that I memorized at a young age are the ones that have really stuck with me.  On a side note, we are still not great with colors or numbers so we have got to work on that as well.  But, I would much rather know that she knows John 3:16 at 2 years old than how to count to 10 (but she is getting that as well).  Here is a video of her saying her bible verse. (Sorry it is so blurry, the video is on my may need to turn the volume up.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome :)! Keep up the great work! ~Jess Gordon