Friday, January 30, 2009

And then there were Two....TEETH!

This week we have hit a major milestone. We got our first tooth. I was excited about one and the very next day I went to look in her mouth and there were two! I couldn't believe it. It just keeps reminding me that she is growing up so fast. Because of the teeth we are now having trouble with the bottle. All she wants to do is rub the nipple of the bottle against her bottom teeth. I may have to start transitioning to a cup.

Also, this week she is totally changing her nap schedule. We were on a three naps a day system but this week she has cut it to two LONG naps. Her morning nap is lasting a little over three hours. Do you know how much I can get done in three hours. I will tell you how much, I am blogging for the first time since October. :) Now if she would only sleep through the night. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.