I know it has been forever and a day ago since I updated the blog. I am really struggling with finding things that I think would be interesting for people to hear about. It is hard when Kylie and I do the same things every day. Here is a quick update and some new pics.
Kylie is "cruising" now (walking holding on to things), this is fun for her but not so much for me. It means we fall a lot more and get a lot more bruises these days. She wants to walk so badly, she loves to be outside but gets frustrated crawling in the grass, I guess she doesn't like the way it feels.
We have been swimming a couple of times and she loves it. She puts her face in the water and sticks her tongue out to drink the pool water. I will have to post some of these pics later (they are on Eryn's camera).
Here are some pictures from a couple of months ago. They were taken by Stephanie Bryan, she does a great job.