Thursday, June 11, 2009

Forever and a day

I know it has been forever and a day ago since I updated the blog. I am really struggling with finding things that I think would be interesting for people to hear about. It is hard when Kylie and I do the same things every day. Here is a quick update and some new pics.

Kylie is "cruising" now (walking holding on to things), this is fun for her but not so much for me. It means we fall a lot more and get a lot more bruises these days. She wants to walk so badly, she loves to be outside but gets frustrated crawling in the grass, I guess she doesn't like the way it feels.

We have been swimming a couple of times and she loves it. She puts her face in the water and sticks her tongue out to drink the pool water. I will have to post some of these pics later (they are on Eryn's camera).

Here are some pictures from a couple of months ago. They were taken by Stephanie Bryan, she does a great job.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pink Piggies!

Last week, I was bored one day and decided to TRY to paint Kylie's piggies pink. I put her in her highchair and gave her a cracker to distract her. She couldn't see me painting them, which was a pretty good strategy, but she thought that I was trying to tickle her feet so she kept pulling her feet up in the chair. We eventually got them all painted and it turned out pretty good for our first attempt. She loved it. She kept looking at her toes!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter

We had a busy easter weekend! We went to Dothan to visit my family, went to church and had lunch with my parents on Sunday morning, went to visit Kyle's family (both sides) and finally made it home Sunday night. Whew....I am tired just talking about it. It was very busy, but we love celebrating Easter. There is no better holiday for a Christian because "Up from the Grave He Arose!"

Hunting Easter Eggs with Kylie

She found one!

Candy from her easter basket, she loved it!

Ignore me in the pic.....

With Kate hunting eggs

Hunting Easter Eggs

Kaitlyn with another cousin (Hardy)

All the hunting eggs wore her out...time for a nap on Nana

Kylie with her cousin Kendra
Once again hunting eggs with the other side of the family...this is Kyle's sister Katie
Kyle with a few of the cousins that were there
Resting with Grandaddy.

Our Safe Place...

Last week we had some pretty nasty storms come through our area. I don't know what it is about Owens Cross Roads but if there is going to be bad weather it seems to come through here. We ended up having to get in our "safe place," Kylie's bathroom. I know it may not have been the best time for pictures but we snapped a few of her first time taking cover from the tornado warnings.

Sitting in the bathtub.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

I haven't had much time to blog the past few weeks but today is my birthday and Kylie is napping, so I decided to take a break from cleaning and cooking! We are planning to eat at the melting pot tonight and I am so excited. Everyone I have talked to said it is wonderful. I've never been, but after tonight I will let you know what I think!

The past couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful (one of the many reasons I haven't blogged). Kylie is really getting better at crawling, still not great, but better. She crawled about 6 or 7 feet last night...time to cover the plugs and put away the valuables! :) Actually, I am only covering the plugs and putting things up that could cause her harm. I figure she needs to just learn to leave other things alone, plus I don't have anything that is really valuable enough to put away. If we go somewhere else I want her to know that the fireplace (and other things) is a no,no. So I will just teach her the hard way I guess. It is about to be a new day in the Edmonds house, I feel her first "spanking" coming soon. LOL.

We are off to Dothan tomorrow to visit the family. I will try to post some pics after the weekend. Happy Easter!

Friday, March 20, 2009


I have a couple of different days to post pictures for so I will just explain as I go.

This is just a cute picture I wanted to share of Kylie playing in the floor...

this was St. Patrick's Day. We had a blue jean jacket with green ribbons on it but as you can see we had already taken it off.

We ate avacado's on St. Patrick's Day. Had to find something green and she hated green beans and peas.

We had a fun playdate this week with my friend Jessica and her daughter Genevieve. We love playdates, and now they are becoming legitimate since they can actually play some! : )

This was on our play date....we went to the park and sat in the swings. Of course Kylie had to have the sunglasses on...but that's another story for another day!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Teeth,Teeth and more Teeth

Kylie cut her bottom two teeth about a month ago. Since then we have done nothing but get new teeth! She is now cutting her top two teeth and we can see the two next to them under the skin. We also think she is fixing to start cutting the two next to the bottom front teeth. She is going to have a mouth full of teeth before we know it. I guess it is just another example of how kids grow up so fast!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

All Things Zebra

Last week and this week I have been seeing Zebra stripes everywhere...probably because I put them there! I started the week with Tables of Love at Mom and Dad's church. Tables of Love is a womens ministry where each person decorates a table however they want and they invite church prospects. I helped Eryn with her table and also helped decorate a table for another lady. There are pics below (I didn't help with the AU table, that was mom's, I just thought it was cute enough to share!

On Saturday, I'm hosting a baby shower for a friend. Since I already had the zebra stuff I decided to use it for the shower. Not very traditional for a baby shower but I think it will turn out really cute. Today I made the cake...zebra striped of course! Here is a pic...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sweet Sleep

By the post title you may think that I mean Kylie looks sweet when she sleeps. While she looks adorable, that is not what I mean. The past couple of weeks Kylie has been sleeping so good. Last night she slept from 7:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.!!!!!! The sleep we got was so sweet. :) I probably shouldn't speak to soon because then she will wake up alot but I can't help it. I just had to tell how excited I was.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow

When we got up this morning it was snowing! Since we have to drive over the mountain for church, we decided we weren't going to chance it, so we let Kylie go out and play for a minute to see how she would react to the snow. She really liked it! Here are a few pictures of Kylie playing in the snow this morning:

Her daddy built her a snowman!

Friday, February 27, 2009

What is she thinking?

It is so funny to watch Kylie sometimes. Today I just sat and watched her, wondering what was going through her head. She was watching a Praise Babies video that a friend of ours gave her. There was a toddler who climbed up a jungle gym and then slid down the slide. When she went down the slide Kylie laughed out loud so hard! She thought it was so funny. Then later today she had a dirty diaper, I picked her up and said "shew, you stink" and again she laughed histerically. The things she watches and laughs at amaze me. Sometimes I just wonder what she is thinking...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kylie's 1/2 Birthday

Kylie turned the big 1/2 year old on 2/17...TIME FLIES!!!!!!! I can't believe that my baby is growing up so fast. We went to lunch with some friends after bible study on her 1/2 birthday. She was sitting in her high chair at Chili's and picked up the menu in front of her. It looked like she was trying to pick out what she was going to eat. Here is a pic of her reading the menu. :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things....

Right now Kylie's favorite things are bath time and being naked! Here are some pictures of her doing her favorite things...

Her first kiss! :) She likes to suck the water off of the ducks lips.

This is Kylie enjoying her Valentines present from Mommy and Daddy. We were changing her clothes and decided to let her lay in the floor and play with the toy while she didn't have her clothes on. She loved it!

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Cold...No, RSV.....No Bronchiolitus

Sorry for the hiatus from the blog but we have had some kind of week. On Sunday Kyle and I were both extremely sick with what we thought was food poisoning. It turns out it may have been a virus instead, but either way it was the worst we have been sick in a very long time.

Kylie had what we thought was the crud last weekend. It kept getting worse and moved into her chest so on Tuesday I took her to the doctor. He thought she had RSV, turns out she tested negative so then he said it was bronchiolitus. We were doing a medicine by dropper and breathing treatments. It was great fun! Acutually I do have to say that she handled the breathing treatments a lot better than I thought she would considering all of the horror stories I have heard about giving them to kids. She got a lot better by the end of the week but she had quit eating. She would scream every time she even saw her bottle. Thankfully she started eating again today so hopefully we will be back to normal by next week.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Kylie LOVES Carrots!

Kylie has been eating cereal for over a month now and has been eating baby food for about three weeks. Tonight we gave her carrots for the first time and she LOVED them. It was the first time that she finished the entire jar of baby food, and she still wanted more when it was gone. So far we have tried squash, sweet potatoes, green beans and carrots. She hated the green beans, every time I put them in her mouth she gagged herself until she threw up (this happened three nights in a row). Now I will just have to make sure not to give her too many carrots or she will turn orange...

Friday, January 30, 2009

And then there were Two....TEETH!

This week we have hit a major milestone. We got our first tooth. I was excited about one and the very next day I went to look in her mouth and there were two! I couldn't believe it. It just keeps reminding me that she is growing up so fast. Because of the teeth we are now having trouble with the bottle. All she wants to do is rub the nipple of the bottle against her bottom teeth. I may have to start transitioning to a cup.

Also, this week she is totally changing her nap schedule. We were on a three naps a day system but this week she has cut it to two LONG naps. Her morning nap is lasting a little over three hours. Do you know how much I can get done in three hours. I will tell you how much, I am blogging for the first time since October. :) Now if she would only sleep through the night. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.