Friday, February 13, 2009

A Cold...No, RSV.....No Bronchiolitus

Sorry for the hiatus from the blog but we have had some kind of week. On Sunday Kyle and I were both extremely sick with what we thought was food poisoning. It turns out it may have been a virus instead, but either way it was the worst we have been sick in a very long time.

Kylie had what we thought was the crud last weekend. It kept getting worse and moved into her chest so on Tuesday I took her to the doctor. He thought she had RSV, turns out she tested negative so then he said it was bronchiolitus. We were doing a medicine by dropper and breathing treatments. It was great fun! Acutually I do have to say that she handled the breathing treatments a lot better than I thought she would considering all of the horror stories I have heard about giving them to kids. She got a lot better by the end of the week but she had quit eating. She would scream every time she even saw her bottle. Thankfully she started eating again today so hopefully we will be back to normal by next week.

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