We had a busy
easter weekend! We went to
Dothan to visit my family, went to church and had lunch with my parents on Sunday morning, went to visit Kyle's family (both sides) and finally made it home Sunday night. Whew....I am tired just talking about it. It was very busy, but we love celebrating Easter. There is no better holiday for a Christian because "Up from the Grave He Arose!"
Hunting Easter Eggs with Kylie

She found one!

Candy from her
easter basket, she loved it!

Ignore me in the pic.....

With Kate hunting eggs

Hunting Easter Eggs

Kaitlyn with another cousin (Hardy)

All the hunting eggs wore her out...time for a nap on Nana

Kylie with her cousin Kendra
Once again hunting eggs with the other side of the family...this is Kyle's sister Katie

Kyle with a few of the cousins that were there

Resting with Grandaddy.

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