Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ice Cream!

On Sunday we went and ate at a Mexican place after church with my mom and dad.  They give kids free ice cream after the meal.  Kaitlyn always gets an ice cream, on Sunday Kylie wanted one too so we decided to let her have one.  They fixed her a little cone with sprinkles and the tiniest bit of chocolate syrup.  She LOVED it!  Suprisingly, she actually stayed fairly clean considering it was her first ice cream cone that I let her hold all by herself. 

Speaking of church, on Sunday night we had a very convicting sermon for me.  It was talking about being the salt of the world.  I got to thinking about it, and the characteristic of salt is that it spreads easily and gives things flavor.  I want to be better salt...If we are truly children of God then we should have a desire to be just like salt and spread His word everywhere.  I think we as Christians all need to remember to be SALT!

This is a picture of Kylie eating her ice cream. 
All I had to take a picture with was my cell phone
so it's not very clear but it is super cute!

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