I haven't had much time to blog the past few weeks but today is my birthday and Kylie is napping, so I decided to take a break from cleaning and cooking! We are planning to eat at the melting pot tonight and I am so excited. Everyone I have talked to said it is wonderful. I've never been, but after tonight I will let you know what I think!
The past couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful (one of the many reasons I haven't blogged). Kylie is really getting better at crawling, still not great, but better. She crawled about 6 or 7 feet last night...time to cover the plugs and put away the valuables! :) Actually, I am only covering the plugs and putting things up that could cause her harm. I figure she needs to just learn to leave other things alone, plus I don't have anything that is really valuable enough to put away. If we go somewhere else I want her to know that the fireplace (and other things) is a no,no. So I will just teach her the hard way I guess. It is about to be a new day in the Edmonds house, I feel her first "spanking" coming soon. LOL.
We are off to Dothan tomorrow to visit the family. I will try to post some pics after the weekend. Happy Easter!