Yesterday was Kylie's 2 month checkup. She had to get several shots. As we were standing in the doctors office I felt so bad for her! It made me think....this is one of the first of many times that I will have to do things that cause her pain that are actually good for her in the long run. It broke my heart when she was getting the shots because I was trying to talk to her to calm her down and she would just look up at me with her lip stuck out. I felt like she was saying why are you letting them do this to me? It definitely wasn't any fun but she was a trooper. She cried when it happened but it didn't last long. Fortunately, she is comforted very easily. All I had to do was pick her up and snuggle with her a little bit.
I think the shots hurt her daddy more than it did her. She has him wrapped around her finger, already (and it's a very short string). It is so funny sometimes to watch him with her. Yesterday afternoon I had to go to the grocery store to get a few things and I left her asleep on a blanket in the living room floor with her dad watching her. I was only gone for about 30 minutes and when I got back Kyle was holding her in his arms (this happens just about every time I leave her with him). He said she "woke up" but I know he just wanted to hold her. Sometimes I wonder how she would ever get to have a good nap if he kept her all day. It can get frustrating sometimes but most of the time I just think about how lucky she is to have a daddy that loves her that much!